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Doctor Operating CT Scanner

​Formación médica de alto nivel, experiencia y tecnología de vanguardia


With more than 30 years of experience, we have earned the trust of doctors and patients

What sets us apart


Fighting against breast cancer

mamografia mastografia

Digital mammography with latest generation tomosynthesis

A screening mammogram is indicated in women over 40 years of age.

  • It is recommended to perform one week after menstruation.

  • Do not use deodorant, talc or cream on the day of the study.

  • Bring previous mammography studies


Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS)

The most modern technology in breast ultrasound. A robotic arm is used to fully track the breast and create 3D pictures of the breast tissue.

resonancia de mama

MRI of the breast

It is used to screen for breast cancer in women though to have a high risk for the disease.

It is also the method of choice to assess the extent of breast cancer and for evaluating breast implants.


tomografia de craneo

Artificial Intelligence Software

An additional tool that allows us to accurately, objectively and reproducibly assess the size and volume of brain bleeding.

resonancia magnetica de craneo

Advanced MRI brain scans

Diffusion, ADC mapping, SWAN, FIESTA, TOF, dynamic contrast enhanced angiography (TRICKS), spectroscopy and tractography.

We have the most complete brain MRI scans.

resonancia de columna

Panoramic imaging of the spine

Complete study of the spine to assess scoliosis, bone metastases and the spinal cord.


calcio score coronario

Coronary calcium score

This test measures the amount of calcified plaque in your coronary arteries.

The results helps your doctor calculate your risk of developing coronary artery disease-related events such as a heart attack or a stroke.

arterias coronarias angio

Coronary artery angiography

It is the most complete non invasive imaging study of the arteries of the heart that allows to accurately rule out or confirm the presence of "blocked arteries".

resonancia de corazon

Cardiac MRI

It is used to assess the function of the heart, congenital or myocardial (heart muscle) diseases.

tomografia de arterias

CT angiography

It allows to assess any artery of the body (cerebral, carotid, pulmonary artery, aorta, arteries of the extremities)


Calle Rayón 674, col. Obrera, CP 22830, Ensenada, B.C., México

horarios de atencion

Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Sundays: Closed


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